Previous Research Ready Studies

IMADD - Primary care identification and management of anxiety and depression in community dwelling people living with dementia: a qualitative study as part of a PhD

  • Participant eligibility criteria:
    • Diagnosis of dementia or a primary caregiver of someone with dementia
    • Living in the community
    • Able to take part in an interview (either alone or with a carer)
    • Experience of anxiety or depression since receiving depression diagnosis

IBPI – Integrated Bipolar Parenting Intervention

  • Participant eligibility criteria:
    • Bipolar Disorder (BD) diagnosis of a parent
    • Child aged 4-10 years with over 10 hours of contact weekly
    • Internet access
  • Exclusion criteria:
    • Diagnosis of alcohol or other substance misuse
    • Parents already receiving a parenting intervention or intensive psychotherapy
    • Child in receipt of psychotherapy
    • Child under care of social services

The SAFER Trial – Screening for Atrial Fibrillation with ECG to Reduce stroke

Oaklands Health Centre took part in the SAFER Trial, a research trial about screening for atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) to reduce the risk of stroke.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge want to find out if a national screening programme for atrial fibrillation:

  • is possible
  • will prevent strokes
  • is good value for money

Eligible patients aged 70 years and over received an invitation letter from us in the post. A total of 342 patients from the practice consented to take part in the trial.

Participants were randomly allocated into one of two groups: control or screening. Those in the screening group were invited to screen for atrial fibrillation at home using a hand-held ECG monitor, 4 times a day over 3 weeks (see ECG device below).

A total of 84 patients from Oaklands Health Centre completed screening with the ECG monitor. From this, cases of atrial fibrillation or other significant arrhythmia were detected.

The trial has now completed recruitment and is in the long-term follow-up phase, collecting outcome data via relevant electronic health records until 2028.  

A word from the SAFER research team:

“Thank you to everyone who consented to join the SAFER trial – we are very grateful for your valuable contribution in helping us to answer our research question.

Final trial results will be available in late 2028. In the meantime, updates on the SAFER trial will be posted to our website

The STATIC trial - Stopping Aminosalicyte Therapy In Inactive Crohn's Disease (STATIC) Study: A randomised, open label, non-inferiority trial

  • Participant eligibility criteria:
    • Patients diagnosed with Crohn’s disease that is currently well controlled and taking aminosalicyte medication.

DIAMONDS – Improving Diabetes self-management for people with severe mental illness

  • Participant eligibility criteria:
    • Patients aged ≥18 years
    • Severe mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, psychosis, severe depression)
    • Type 2 diabetes


  • Exclusion criteria:
    • Cognitive impairments
    • Gestational diabetes
    • Type 1 diabetes
    • Other types of secondary diabetes, e.g. specific genetic defect
    • Lack of capacity
    • Current Inpatients

RAPID (DVA) - Using primary care to tackle domestic violence and abuse.

Predicting and preventing relapse of depression in primary care.

The immune defence study.

INTERACT - Trial of intergrated cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for depression.