Practice Charter

What we will do for you

    • We are always committed to providing the best possible service.
    • We will always offer the treatment and advice we believe is best.
    • We will arrange a home visit if you are too ill to attend the surgery.
    • We will make every effort to see you promptly.
    • We will inform you how to get the results of tests and x-rays.
    • We will try to deal at once with any problems or complaints.
    • A doctor is on call at all times for emergencies.
    • You have the right to see your health records subject to any limitations in law.
    • Your records will be kept confidential.
    • We will try to answer the phone promptly and politely. If you need to speak to a doctor you will be told when you can do this.


What you can do for us

    • Please treat staff with courtesy and respect.
    • If possible, please phone before 10.30am if you need a home visit unless in an emergency. Please attend surgery wherever possible.
    • Please tell us if you cannot keep your appointment.
    • Please think carefully before calling us, or our deputizing service out at night.
    • Ask us if you are unclear about your treatment.
    • Let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number.
    • Please remember most delays are usually due to emergencies. Please be patient.
    • Please treat your fellow patients courteously by keeping your appointment to time.